UTILIS also performs maintenance activities throughout the life of the delivered products.

We offer maintenance contracts for various sectors of activity: assembly, air conditioning maintenance, power, cleaning, system restoration.

Maintenance operations are carried out on site or in the factory.

You have the guarantee that your products are supported by qualified people, reducing your costs related to use because your systems have improved availability and readiness with regular system health checks to identify and limit common problems.

We have maintenance contracts across France and overseas, either through Utilis direct or via our chain of partner organisations.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of products covered by our dedicated maintenance activities:

  • Shelters
  • Air conditioning (we are authorised and certified)
  • Heating Systems
  • Electricity (we are authorised and certified)
  • Lifting system (we are authorised and certified)
UTILIS also performs maintenance activities
UTILIS also performs maintenance activities
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