UTILIS is a leading supplier of decontamination units that can treat 20 to 80 people per hour, under the most extreme conditions

During the past 20 years, UTILIS has developed a comprehesive range of decontamination units that can treat 20 to 80 people per hour in civilian or CBRN PPE clothing under the most demanding of conditions.

The redeployable UTILIS units provide decontamination capability for segregated casualty streams, separated into stretcher-borne or male and female ambulatory users. These provide the necessary reactive capability in the event of a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) discharge due to industrial, terrorist or war related incidents.

The role of our decontamination units is to treat people near the disaster locality or at the entrance to the designated care areas, in order to limit the evolution of the victims’ contamination over time.

Easily transportable to the intervention site and very quickto set up, they facilitate continuous decontamination with the minimum time delay.

Decontamination systems


Decontamination tents

MDC30 (30 persons/hour (indicative)): 1 TM 54 tent that can decontaminate an average of 30 people per hour. This system is composed of 2 lanes (2 ambulatory lanes or 1 ambulatory and 1 stretcher-borne lane).

MDC50 (50 persons/hour (indicative)): 2 coupled TM36 tents that can decontaminate an average of 50 people per hour. This system is composed of 2 lanes (2 ambulatory lanes or 1 ambulatory and 1 stretcher-borne lane).

TMS 3 or 4 lines: TMS tent (with straight walls) with a capacity of upto 100 people/hour.

Decontamination tents
Decontamination containers


Decontamination containers

Decon Cube: 10-foot ISO container with 2 ambulatory lanes or a single stretcher-borne lane. Capacity of upto 80 people/hour.

CERPE: 20-foot ISO container made according to military standards.

BERCE (120 persons/ hour (indicative): Self levelling, 20-foot containerised module equipped with an integrated DROPS/ PLS deployment interface, providing 4 decontamination lanes each with 2 showers for comprehensive multi-agent decontamination.

Structure of our decontamination systems

Reception area – Undressing area – Shower area N°1 (cleaning) – Shower area N°2 (rinsing) – Re-dressing and control area

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